Welcome Center
​Big Hill Welcome Center
Situated at the northern entrance to Jackson County on US Highway 421, the Big Hill Welcome Center is housed in a restored farmhouse. Built in 1839, this old building has been witness to many events, including Civil War activities.
Union troops engaged an advance guard of invading Confederates very near the Cox-Simpson House. This skirmish was a prelude to the Battle of Richmond—the most complete Confederate victory of the Civil War. The house served as a hospital for the wounded.
This three-acre property, locally known as the Cox-Simpson House, was purchased by the Nature Conservancy. The purchase was part of a community development effort of the Rockcastle River Project. As planned, the house and property were sold to the Jackson County Fiscal Court which received a TEA (Transportation Equity Act) grant to rehabilitate the house and use it as a welcome center and interpretive site. The house was renovated and remodeled in 2006. This historic building now serves as a tourism and welcome center.
Please visit the Big Hill Welcome Center to find out more about Jackson County and its rich history.
Wounded soldiers from the 1862 Battle of Big Hill were treated in the Cox-Simpson House.
The Cox family graveyard is located about a hundred yards behind the house.

The site is maintained by the Jackson County Fiscal Court and staffed by volunteers from Jackson County Tourism.
If you would like to help in the preservation or interpretation of this Civil War hospital,
please contact the Big Hill Welcome Center:
Open Seasonally: April-November
Hours: Thursday and Friday 4:00 - 8:00
Saturday 12:00 - 6:00
PO Box 175
McKee, KY 40447
(606) 965-2485 (Big Hill Welcome Center)
Contact us at Bill Hill Welcome Center

Contact the Jackson County Judge Executive at:
(606) 287-8562.

Picture taken on May 26, 2013. The Big Hill Welcome Center is as beautiful and inviting as ever. The roses are in full bloom each spring. Visitors are encouraged to stop by any weekend to tour the Cox-Simpson House and talk with knowledgeable Jackson County Tourism volunteers. Closed during the winter months.

Jackson County, Kentucky

It's not a mistake. At the top of Big Hill, on HWY 421, the counties of Jackson and Madison are separated by two Rockcastle County borders literally yards apart. Motorists pass through three county lines in just a few seconds. This view is facing north toward Madison County, next to the Big Hill Welcome Center, at the top of Big Hill.

Picture taken on May 26, 2013. The Big Hill Welcome Center is as beautiful and inviting as ever. The roses are in full bloom each spring. Visitors are encouraged to stop by any weekend to tour the Cox-Simpson House and talk with knowledgeable Jackson County Tourism volunteers. Closed during the winter months.