Veterans Memorial
The Jackson County Veteran’s Monument and Memorial is in memory of and to honor the men and women of Jackson County that has served this great nation to preserve the freedom we enjoy today.
The Jackson County Veterans Memorial is a 5 sided pentagon shape representing the 5 branches of service; Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine and Air Force. The Monument is made up of Legacy Gray Granite posts and Black Supreme Granite Panels with etched monoliths.
Each pentagon corner has 4 panels and will contain 600 names. 6 panels were used to portray the history of our wars and conflicts and 2 panels were used to pay tribute the fallen, 5 panels show the history of the branches of service. This first Pentagon Shape will contain 3000 names when completed.
The Bronze Fallen Soldier Statue in the middle is a reminder of their fallen comrades and of sacrifice that has been made for us.
The Veterans Memorial Committee has designed the memorial park and collected names of veterans to be honored for engraving. This Memorial honors those who died in service to their country and pays tribute to all Jackson Countians who have served their country.
The memorial grounds are large enough for additional pentagon shaped monuments assuring future generations to be honored.
The Jackson County Veterans Memorial Committee will collect names on continual bases and will add names when then have received enough to complete a panel.

Click on the above link to enter the interactive website for the memorial. Find information about each name on the panels and on which panel a name can be found. Also find information on how to add a name to the memorial.